2023 Dry Creek Valley Cabernet Sauvignon

   Bulk Wine

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Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellations (AVA) - CA, OR and WA
Dry Creek Valley AVA

We have 1,990 gallons of excellent 2023 Dry Creek Valley Cabernet Sauvignon available for sale. $20 per gallon or best offer. Samples are available. Our wine was made by the team at Redwood Valley Cellars in Redwood Valley, Mendocino. The wine is currently stored there. Anyone interested in purchasing a portion or all of our 2023 Cabernet Sauvignon, please contact us at [email protected] or call 707.433.3671.

In conjunction with the sale of the wine, any new brands or private labels seeking help in brand identity development, packaging design, pricing finished products, or strategic marketing and sales assistance will be included courtesy of Tincknell & Tincknell, Wine Sales and Marketing Consultants (www.marketingwine.com), in the sale price at low or no cost, depending on final negotiated price per gallon. FYI we're experts in alternative packaging.

(707) 433-3671
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