Stainless Steel Kegs and Barrels For Sale


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$1.00 (see body of ad for prices

Stainless steel kegs and barrels. Prices vary according to size.

There are 7 (seven) - 15.5 gallon kegs Price: $85 each
There are 5 (five) - 5 gallon kegs Price: $70 each
There are 3 (three) - 55 gallon barrels Price:$450 each
There is 1 (one) - 13 gallon keg Price: $50

The 15.5 gallon kegs and the 5 gallon kegs have the valve removed. I have tri-clover and i-line caps and clamps for an airtight seal.

Located in Los Gatos. I prefer to sell the entire lot if possible.

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Stainless Steel Kegs and Barrels For Sale

February 24, 2025

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Price$1.00 (see body of ad for prices

Stainless steel kegs and barrels. Prices vary according to size.

There are 7 (seven) - 15.5 gallon kegs Price: $85 each
There are 5 (five) - 5 gallon kegs Price: $70 each
There are 3 (three) - 55 gallon barrels Price:$450 each
There is 1 (one) - 13 gallon keg Price: $50

The 15.5 gallon kegs and the 5 gallon kegs have the valve removed. I have tri-clover and i-line caps and clamps for an airtight seal.

Located in Los Gatos. I prefer to sell the entire lot if possible.

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