Premium Pinot Noir-Petaluma Gap La Tache, Pommard, 777 ,Swan

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We have approximately 20 tons of Pinot Noir available for the 2024 harvest (multi-year buying agreements also available if interested). Clones consist of Pommard, 777, Swan, and La Tache. The vineyard is located south of Petaluma within the Petaluma Gap/Sonoma Coast AVA.

The vineyard is farmed sustainably no/reduced till and machine weed controlled ( no herbicide use). Sheep are used to sustainably manage cover crop in the winter months. The vines will have bird netting and are harvested by hand. Willing to sell in smaller ~1-2 ton lots and lots of individual clones.

~20 Brix as of 8/27/24

Feel free to email or call for additional details or to schedule a time to see the vines in person.

Web Address

(707) 217-6851

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(707) 217-6851


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