2.5 Acres of Russian River Pinot & Chard Grapes for Sale


2.5 - Acres of Russian River Pinot & Chardonnay Grapes for Sale.

Roughly: 50% Pinot and 50% Chard.

Pinot = $1,800/ton or best offer
Chardonay = $1,200/ton or best offer

Famer/winemaker owned vineyard. Meticulously maintained and always cropped appropriately to ensure vine health and quality fruit.

*Pinot Clones: Pommard (50%), 667 (25%), 115 (25%). Expected yield: 4 tons.
*Chard Clone: Davis 4 Expected yield: 4 tons.

Previous grape contracts with Flowers, Graton Ridge, Belvedere, CDonatiello and Inspiration Vineyards.

First consideration will be given to buyers who would like to enter into a contract for the grapes or those who would like to buy all of the grapes.

For details email or call: Patrick (707) 508-6540 (9am-4pm; M-F)

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